

Complete Days

The Complete Days/Trip Lab process iterates over the trips by 24-hour cycle (00:00:00-23:59:59) in the supplied timezone. For each day that a user participates in a study, the process checks if any trips are labeled as missing and if none exist, the day is labelled as “is_complete”. If no trips exist, the day is not labeled as complete.

Special cases

  • It is common that a user may legitimately make no trips on a participation day. In the case that there is a day without any trips, but the day prior and after are labeled complete and the distance between the last trip end and the next trip start is <= 750 meters, this day will be labeled “is_complete”. Cases with more than 1 day without trips are not considered by this rule.


  • The output results are grouped by uuid and ordered by date.
  • Boolean values are represented as 1 (True) or 0 (False).
uuid The unique user ID in the survey.
date The date (localized by timezone) for complete day record.
has_trips Boolean to indicate whether date contains any trips.
is_complete Boolean to indicate if date contains trips and no missing trips.
start_latitude The latitude of the date’s first trip.
start_longitude The longitude of the date’s first trip.
end_latitude The latitude of the date’s last trip.
end_longitude The longitude of the date’s last trip.
consecutive_inactive_days The current tally of inactive days in a row (reset each complete day).
inactivity_streak The maximum tally of incomplete days in a row for a user.