
The itinerum-tripkit is configured by a global configuration object that is passed to the class at initialization. This can be created either as a Python file of global variables that is imported or defined as a bare class Config object and named tripkit_config.

Generating the Configuration

The following parameters are accepted by itinerum-tripkit:

DATABASE_FN The filename to be used for the cache SQLite database.
INPUT_DATA_DIR Directory of the unpacked TripKit export .csv files. Usually a subdirectory of the ./input directory.
INPUT_DATA_TYPE Data source: itinerum or qstarz
OUTPUT_DATA_DIR Output directory to save processed export data.
SUBWAY_STATIONS_FP Relative filepath of subway .csv data for connecting gaps during trip detection algorithms.
TRIP_DETECTION_BREAK_INTERVAL_SECONDS Minimum stop time for breaking GPS coordinates into trips.
TRIP_DETECTION_SUBWAY_BUFFER_METERS Buffer in meters for associating a trip end with a subway station entrance.
TRIP_DETECTION_COLD_START_DISTANCE_METERS Leeway distance in meters for allowing a device acquire a GPS fix before inferring that an intemediary trip with missing data has occured.
TRIP_DETECTION_ACCURACY_CUTOFF_METERS Minimum horizontal accuracy in meters for including GSP points within trip detection algorithms. Greater values indicate worse accuracy; generally 30-50 is deemed an acceptable range.

Process parameters

These parameters are only needed if their related processes will be run.

TIMEZONE The timezone name as described within the tzdata database for complete days detection (e.g., America/Montreal)
SEMANTIC_LOCATIONS Mapping of semantic locations to latitude longitude columns within survey responses (see below for example).
SEMANTIC_LOCATION_PROXIMITY_METERS Buffer distance in meters to consider a GPS point to be at a semantic location.

Extra parameters

These parameters are to configure plug-in processes (OSRM map matching API below). Check the plug-in source code to see what is expected in these cases.

MAP_MATCHING_BIKING_API_URL Endpoint for OSRM bicycle network map maptching.
MAP_MATCHING_DRIVING_API_URL Endpoint for OSRM car network map maptching.
MAP_MATCHING_WALKING_API_URL Endpoint for OSRM foot network map maptching.