
The itinerum-tripkit can be installed as a library using pip can be included in your own project by cloning: and copying the tripkit directory as a submodule.

Virtual Environments

It is recommended to use venv to keep the tripkit dependency versions isolated from system packages.

Linux & MacOS

$ python3 -m venv tripkit-venv
$ source ./tripkit-ven/bin/activate


PS C:\Code\itinerum-tripkit> python -m venv tripkit-venv
PS C:\Code\itinerum-tripkit> .\tripkit-venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

PowerShell Note: With PowerShell, Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force may be required to allow the Activate.ps1 script to run. The PowerShell prompt must then be restarted for these permissions to take effect.



Windows does not provide a build environment by default with libraries relied upon by the GDAL package. Instead, the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (13.4MB) can be installed to provide the necessary system libraries.

If an existing GDAL installation is available to Python, it may be possible to skip this step.

Compiled Python Packages

On Windows without a C/C++ build environment, some packages requiring will fail to install using pip. Instead, compiled wheel versions can be downloaded from various mirrors and installed with pip directly from file.

(tripkit-venv) PS C:\Code\itinerum-tripkit> pip install .\Fiona-1.8.6-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl

Compiled packages to install:

GDAL (Alternative)

If the above is not successful, another method is using the pre-compiled binaries. For your system version (likely MSVC 2017 / x64), click “Downloads”. From the downloads page, the core GDAL library is all that is needed (gdal-204-1911-64-core.msi).

Install this file and set two Windows environment variables:

  • Append to PATH: C:\Program Files\GDAL
  • Create GDAL_DATA: C:\Program Files\GDAL\gdal-data

After setting these variables, close and re-open the command prompt (re-activate the virtual environment if using) and the Python dependencies can be installed.

First the GDAL library must be installed for geospatial operations and outputs.

Optional Components


Scikit-learn can optionally be installed for optimized clustering such as by swapping out the included K-Means implementation:


The itinerum-tripkit provides interfaces for submitting map matching queries to an OSRM API and writing results to file.

The instructions that follow use the Multi-Level Djikstra processing pipelines recommended by Project OSRM.

Installing the OSRM API with Docker containers
  1. Download an OSM extract for your region (ex. Québec)
$ mkdir osrm && cd osrm
$ wget
  1. Process the OSM data using the default network profiles included with OSRM:
# car
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-extract -p /opt/car.lua /data/quebec-latest.osm.pbf
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-partition /data/quebec-latest
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-customize /data/quebec-latest
$ mkdir car
$ mv quebec-latest.orsm* car

# bike
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-extract -p /opt/bicycle.lua /data/quebec-latest.osm.pbf
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-partition /data/quebec-latest
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-customize /data/quebec-latest
$ mkdir bicycle
$ mv quebec-latest.orsm* bicycle

# walking
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-extract -p /opt/foot.lua /data/quebec-latest.osm.pbf
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-partition /data/quebec-latest
$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-customize /data/quebec-latest
$ mkdir foot
$ mv quebec-latest.orsm* foot
  1. Run the Docker OSRM API containers on ports 5000-5002 to reverse proxy for public access
$ docker run -d --restart always -p 5000:5000 -v $(pwd)/car:/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-routed --algorithm MLD --max-matching-size=5000 /data/quebec-latest.osrm

$ docker run -d --restart always -p 5001:5000 -v $(pwd)/bicycle:/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-routed --algorithm MLD --max-matching-size=5000 /data/quebec-latest.osrm

$ docker run -d --restart always -p 5002:5000 -v $(pwd)/foot:/data osrm/osrm-backend osrm-routed --algorithm MLD --max-matching-size=5000 /data/quebec-latest.osrm